Monday, December 11, 2006

sign, sign, everywhere a sign

Okay, so, I love signs. LOVE them. I love them esp when they have something wrong with them or when they just really, really crack me up. And I have seen many a sign, my friend. Not to mention I know how convenient it is to have a camera phone. And to have friends that have camera phones. And to have friends who appreciate your affinity for signs and get the idea.

I thought I would share some of my favorites with all of you.

First off, these are just the ones that are random acts of bad grammar or just plain dumb.

Like this one.
When I first saw it, all I could think of was, "what the hell is a soure of pride? Did they mean 'sore' of pride? And isn't that an oxymoron of sorts?" I would not have been very proud of myself had I been the person to have made this sign.

Sweet! Steak at Ryan's! Save me a seat. But that a new day of the week? I mean, I know that Wednesday is a hard day of the week to spell, esp when compared to its counterparts - Monday, Friday, Sunday and the like. But if you are putting yourself out there, on the side of Rainbow Drive/Albert Rains/Hwy 411 or whatever the fuck it's called, don't you think you might take the extra time to consult a dictionary?

This just makes me mad. Please don't make a gigantimous sign this big with such an error. It's just...bad. I don't know what's worse - the fact that the sign upsets me so, or the fact that I have a million pictures of myself right in front of it because I frequent the place of business so much. Every dollar I spend there is basically me saying it's okay to have shitty grammar.

Hell yeah, I want the person who either can't spell the word "emergency" (or the person who felt the need to mass-produce this sign and stick it up everywhere) to lead me to safety. Please, tell me where to go.

I only hope there was a band playing or some sort of music wherever that arrow was pointing.

These next ones are either just cute or really cracked me up.

I saw this sign in a store window on Martha's Vineyard. It made me giggle. Twice.

My best friend and I drove all the way to New Orleans one day, just for the hell of it. And for the prailines. We hit up a museum for some culture, and I think I almost peed myself when I saw this. I'm so immature.

I don't even remember where I found this, but oh, my God, I will wear my safety goggles in the lab from now on. I cross my heart.

Since when is the flavor raspberry "creamy"? And this didn't look very creamy to me. At all. I can only speculate as to what this Al person does to the drink to make it his creamy blue raspberry. Tasty.

Now for my very favorite. There isn't anything technically wrong with these, but something is definitely wrong here.

Um, that's what she said......but seriously, folks, Kaitie saw this one on her hairdryer at a hotel. I think it's fantastic. If you can't read it (I know it's blurry), it says, "GET TO OFF BEFORE MOUNTING."

Oh, my God, AH! It's the Electricity Monster! Get the fuck away! It looks like some sort of Matrix crap, too, with the way the Electricity Monster is blasting the guy and he just bends over backwards to avoid it. Stay away from that stuff.

Riddikulus! Is that a boggart? I swear, I walked past this cabinet three times, and nothing jumped out at me. I was a little disappointed. And I love how one door is supposed to be opened, but other than the shadowy square on the right, it looks just the same as the other side of the cabinet. Weird.

Ho-o-ly, shit, it's a fire! And it means business. You'd better haul ass outta there, little guy. I know I won't be blocking a fire exit any time soon.

Zippity doo dah, zippity ay! I'm a-walkin' on water, what a wonderful day! I wish this little guy had a top hat and a cane. I suspect he's snapping his fingers and clickin' his heels.

My personal favorite. I can't tell if this sign is meant to be, "Attention: Wet Floor," or "Attention: I'm a Sexy Playboy Centerfold." You'd betta recognize, bitches.

Oh, my God, HELP! I am trapped in a triangle! ARRRRGHHHHHH!!!!!
Either that, or he's dancing. It's the new alternative to square dancing - triangle dancing.

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